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macOS Sequoia compatibility

Status of macOS Sequoia compatibility as of February 2025

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iOS 18 / iPadOS 18

iOS 18 / iPadOS 18 compatibility

Status of iOS/iPadOS 18 compatibility as of February 2025

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Transferring a WAV file from a computer to the MS-90LP+

Importing WAV files created in Logic Pro and Pro Tools to the MS-90LP+

We have confirmed an issue that prevents WAV files created using Logic Pro or Pro Tools from being imported by MS-90LP+ looper pedals. We provide measures to overcome this issue.

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MS-80IR+ connected to a laptop PC via USB cable

IR Loader for MS-80IR+

Windows / Mac app that loads up to 80 IR data sets into the Multi-Stomp MS-80IR+.

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Recording a band performance by musicians using H4essential

FIRMWARE UPDATE: V1.2 for H4essential

This Update Adds Pause Recording Function

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Get — or share — a new perspective

A silhouetted production crew using Zoom equipment to capture audio atop a hill overlooking a coastal village.
A creator seated at a table wearing headphones while using a Zoom Livetrak L-12.
A creator using a Zoom H1N to capture audio from a nearby train passing by.


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Zoom Europe


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