Codemasters is synonymous with realistic, edge-of-the-seat racing video games, including GRID, which features new and exclusive car content with every iteration. For GRID’s day one release, Chris Jojo, Codemasters’ senior sound designer, was tasked with sourcing and recording more than 69 rare and historic motor cars, including the legendary Ferrari 330 P4 and BMW M1 Procar.

Ferrari and F8n.
To meet the demanding production schedule, having equipment that could withstand the rigors of day-long track date recording was critical. Recording competition cars poses a unique challenge, too, as the selection and installation of recording equipment must be approved by the cars’ team and engineers. Once installed, kits may be on car for up to three days with no opportunity to tweak settings.

Securing equipment
Having spent more than 10 years capturing engine audio for Codemasters’ games, Chris knew he could rely on Zoom recording equipment to accurately capture every unique facet of the cars’ character — things like supercharger whine, carb intake, turbo dump valves and waste-gate chatter. While the F8n multitrack field recorder caught the eight channels of all-important, fully synchronized engine audio, a timecode-synced Zoom F4 captured Ambisonic in-cabin sounds.

Chris then synched the different audio with Zoom’s TCXO (Temperature Compensated Crystal Oscillator) Time Code, generating 0.2 ppm accuracy, which was imperative for each car’s audio profile within the game.
Thanks to Zoom equipment and software, the process was easily streamlined. As he continues capturing audio for GRID, Chris will tell you he packs the same essentials, no matter where he’s off to next: “Toothbrush, Kindle, mics, cabling and Zoom.”

Preparing for the next shoot
I’ve been using the Zoom F8 since its original launch back in 2015. Zoom products stand up to my needs: they’re robust, lightweight and easy to use – and the F8n is even better now with improved gain on the headphone amplifier.”

Check out more about Chris Jojo at Codemasters website.